Wednesday, May 23, 2018

mark your calendars

SACK LUNCHES:  Saturday’s In June
Our Missions and Outreach Team is planning to make brown bag lunches to give away at the Fair Price Store during the Saturday’s in June. (When we work at the store.) We need weekly donations of peanut butter, bread, apples, oranges, granola bars, chips. Call the office to arrange a time to bring donations to the church kitchen. 
CHURCH-WIDE GARAGE SALE:  Saturday, July 21st
Start cleaning out your closets.  We will need many helpers. We will clean up the same day and make sure left-over items are taken away. Proceeds will go to our 50th Anniversary celebration.
VBS: Saturday mornings on Aug. 4, Aug. 11, Aug. 18.  
Our Faith Formation Team will share more details as they are made.
50th Anniversary: Sunday, October 7th   
Faith UMC will celebrate our anniversary on October 7. Our Bishop will preach during 10:30 a.m. worship.  A catered meal and program will follow.  More information will be shared as they are finalized, but please plan to celebrate with us October 7th.