Thursday, March 28, 2019

UMCOR Special Sunday is on March 31st, and we want to remind you that even though writing a check or putting cash in the offering doesn’t feel exciting, you really ARE making a difference.
Your donations to UMCOR on this Special Sunday help:
● Refugees in Clarkston, GA earn a living wage and get job training.
Read the full story here:
● Deliver food, water, shelter, and long-term recovery assistance to help many of the 68.5 million people displaced by war, persecution, and natural disaster.
Read the full story here:
● Distribute relief kits to those in need following the U.S. hurricanes of 2017.
Read more here:
There are countless other stories about seeing God’s work in action through UMCOR. We want you to know that it is something we can do together to help give relief and spread God’s love throughout here and around the world.
Your special gifts given this Sunday underwrite UMCOR’s “costs of doing business.” This helps UMCOR keep the promise that 100% of any gift to a specific project will go toward that mission, not administrative costs.
This is such an important gift and one that we can do together. Let’s make a difference, together.