Wednesday, June 3 is opening day for the Fair Priced Clothing Store. We will work every Wednesday (June 3, 10, 17 and 24) from 9:00 to 3:00) and the last two Saturdays of June (June 20, and 22) from 9:00 to 12:00 . We will also sort clothes from 1:00 to 4:00 on Mondays. If you can help on any of those days, it will be greatly appreciated.
We plan to follow county Covid-19 guidelines:
1. Only 30 people total, volunteers and customers, are permitted in the store at a time.
2. Please stay home if you are ill.
3. All store occupants, except children under 2 years, must wear masks, and have temperatures taken at the entrance.
4. Customers must enter the store at the west door and exit at the east door. Donations will only be taken at the large west overhead door in the back.
5. Please bring your own food and drink. Break room and restroom will be open only for volunteers.
6. We will have hand sanitizers available. You may also use the restroom soap and water. Please use paper towels and sanitizing spray to wash surfaces and door knobs.
7. No toys will be in customer area.
8. Please observe 6-foot social distancing when working in the sorting room and with customers at the checkout desk.
We want to promote safety for everyone. If you have questions or can work, please call Elaine at 620-663-2502.